This blog post will be dedicated to our internal milestone and to our friend and designer Joni Sundvik.
Joni just finished the design of our Grepp sticker pack and also helped us with a brand new packaging design for our Gripper, which we will release soon.
Since neither of us is a designer, it is very valuable to have friends like Joni who can help making our vision for Grepp come true. Joni brought a lot to our table—he is the creative mastermind behind our logo, all sorts of illustrations for packaging, and our website.
Although he agreed doing such work pro-bono at first, we at least guaranteed supply of our handlebar tapes whenever he needed one. But we never took it for granted. It was important to us that we must be able to reimburse Joni's efforts at some point, the sooner the better.
We're happy to share that we have reached this little milestone and finally are able to give back an appropriate reward to our friend and partner for his great work!